# Extracted from HP tape image 16-Nov-2003 by Pete Turnbull
# Downloaded from http://www.dunnington.u-net.com/public/startrek/
# and converted to ZX81 BASIC by Erik Olofsen, 2014
# Some optimizations were done to fit it in 16K; but then the emulator
# was modified to allow for 48K...
# To be run with '-r0' option.

  1  rem ****  hp basic program library  ******************************
  2  rem
  3  rem       sttr1: star trek
  4  rem
  5  rem       36243  rev b  --  10/73
  6  rem
  7  rem ****  contributed program  ***********************************
100  rem *****************************************************************
110  rem ***                                                           ***
120  rem ***     star trek: by mike mayfield, centerline engineering   ***
130  rem ***                                                           ***
140  rem ***        total interaction game - orig. 20 oct 1972
150  rem ***                                                           ***
160  rem *****************************************************************

170  rand 1
180  print
     print "*** star trek ***"
190  print "do you want instructions (y/n)?"
200  input i$
210  if i$="" then goto 230
     let i$=i$(1)
     if i$ = "q" or i$ = "q" then stop
     if i$ <> "y" and i$ <> "y" then goto 230
     rem $m adapts/sttr1i.bas
220  gosub 5820

230  rem *****  program starts here *****
250  print
260  let zr=0
     let on=1
     let mo=-1
     let hf=.5
     let tr=3
     let et=8

     dim g(et,et)
     dim c(9,2)
     dim k(tr,tr)
     dim n(tr)
     dim z(et,et)
     dim d(et)
     dim c$(6)
     dim d$(96)
     dim a$(tr)
     dim z$(72)
     dim q$(72)
     dim r$(72)
     dim s$(48)

290  let t0=int(rnd*20+20)*100
     let t=t0
300  let t9=30
310  let d0=zr
320  let e0=3000
     let e=e0
330  let p0=10
     let p=p0
340  let s9=200
350  let s=zr
     let h8=s
370  let q1=int(rnd*et+1)
380  let q2=int(rnd*et+1)
390  let s1=int(rnd*et+1)
400  let s2=int(rnd*et+1)
410  rem let t7=tim(0)+60*tim(1)
     let t7=(peek 65535)/60+(peek 65534)+60*(peek 65533)

420  let c(2,1)=mo
     let c(3,1)=mo
     let c(4,1)=mo
     let c(4,2)=mo
     let c(5,2)=mo
     let c(6,2)=mo
430  let c(1,1)=zr
     let c(3,2)=zr
     let c(5,1)=zr
     let c(7,2)=zr
     let c(9,1)=zr
440  let c(1,2)=on
     let c(2,2)=on
     let c(6,1)=on
     let c(7,1)=on
     let c(8,1)=on
     let c(8,2)=on
     let c(9,2)=on
450  gosub 7100
460  let d$="warp enginess.r. sensorsl.r. sensorsphaser cntrlphoton tubesdamage cntrlshield cntrlcomputer"

490  let b9=zr
     let k9=zr
500  for i=1 to et
510  for j=1 to et
520  let r1=rnd
530  if r1>.98 then goto 580
540  if r1>.95 then goto 610
550  if r1>.8 then goto 640
560  let k3=zr
570  goto 660
580  let k3=3
590  let k9=k9+3
600  goto 660
610  let k3=2
620  let k9=k9+2
630  goto 660
640  let k3=1
650  let k9=k9+1
660  let r1=rnd
670  if r1>.96 then goto 700
680  let b3=zr
690  goto 720
700  let b3=1
710  let b9=b9+1
720  let s3=int(rnd*et+1)
730  let g(i,j)=k3*100+b3*10+s3
740  let z(i,j)=zr
750  next j
760  next i
770  let k7=k9
775  if b9 <= zr or k9 <= zr then goto 490

780  print "it is stardate ";t
     print "you must destroy ";k9;" klingons in ";t9;" stardates with ";b9;" starbases"
810  let k3=zr
     let b3=zr
     let s3=zr
820  if q1et or q2et then goto 920
830  let x=g(q1,q2)*.01
840  let k3=int(x)
850  let b3=int((x-k3)*10)
860  let s3=g(q1,q2)-int(g(q1,q2)*.1)*10
870  if k3=zr then goto 910
880  if s>200 then goto 910
890  print "combat area      condition red"
900  print "   shields dangerously low"
910  gosub 7200

920  for i=1 to tr
930  let k(i,3)=zr
940  next i
950  let q$=z$
960  let r$=z$
970  let s$=z$(1 to 48)
980  let a$="<*>"
990  let z1=s1
1000  let z2=s2
1010  gosub 5510

1020  for i=1 to k3
1030  gosub 5380
1040  let a$="+++"
1050  let z1=r1
1060  let z2=r2
1070  gosub 5510
1080  let k(i,1)=r1
1090  let k(i,2)=r2
1100  let k(i,3)=s9
1110  next i

1120  for i=1 to b3
1130  gosub 5380
1140  let a$=">=<"
1150  let z1=r1
1160  let z2=r2
1170  gosub 5510
1180  next i

1190  for i=1 to s3
1200  gosub 5380
1210  let a$=" * "
1220  let z1=r1
1230  let z2=r2
1240  gosub 5510
1250  next i
1260  gosub 4120

1270  print
1275  print "command:"
1280  input i$
      if i$ = "q" or i$ = "q" then stop
      if i$="" then goto 1310
      let a = val i$
1290  if a=0 then goto 1410
      if a=1 then goto 1260
      if a=2 then goto 2330
      if a=3 then goto 2530
      if a=4 then goto 2800
      if a=5 then goto 3460
      if a=6 then goto 3560
      if a=7 then goto 4630
1310  print "   0 = set course"
1320  print "   1 = short range sensor scan"
1330  print "   2 = long range sensor scan"
1340  print "   3 = fire phasers"
1350  print "   4 = fire photon torpedoes"
1360  print "   5 = shield control"
1370  print "   6 = damage control report"
1380  print "   7 = call on library computer"
1390  print "   q = quit"

1400  goto 1270

# set course
1410  print "course (1-9):"
1420  input i$
      if i$ = "" then goto 1270
      if i$(1) = "q" or i$(1) = "q" then goto 1270
      let c1 = val i$
1430  if c1=zr then goto 1270
1440  if c1<1 or c1 >= 9 then goto 1410
1450  print "warp factor (0-8):"
1460  input i$
      if i$ = "" then goto 1270
      if i$(1) = "q" or i$(1) = "q" then goto 1270
      let w1 = val i$
1470  if w1et then goto 1410
1480  if d(1) >= 0 or w1 <= .2 then goto 1510
1490  print "warp engines are damaged, maximum speed = warp .2"
1500  goto 1410
1510  if k3 <= 0 then goto 1560
1520  gosub 3790
1530  if k3 <= 0 then goto 1560
1540  if s<0 then goto 4000
1550  goto 1610
1560  if e>0 then goto 1610
1570  if s<1 then goto 3920
1580  print "you have ";e;" units of energy"
1590  print "suggest you get some from your shields which have ";s;" units left"
1600  goto 1270
1610  for i=1 to et
1620  if d(i) >= 0 then goto 1640
1630  let d(i)=d(i)+1
1640  next i
1650  if rnd>.2 then goto 1810
1660  let r1=int(rnd*et+1)
1670  if rnd >= hf then goto 1750
1680  let d(r1)=d(r1)-(rnd*5+1)
1690  print
1700  print "damage control report:"
1710  gosub 5610
1720  print " damaged"
1730  print
1740  goto 1810
1750  let d(r1)=d(r1)+(rnd*5+1)
1760  print
1770  print "damage control report:"
1780  gosub 5610
1790  print " state of repair improved"
1800  print
1810  let n=int(w1*et)
1820  let a$="   "
1830  let z1=s1
1840  let z2=s2
1850  gosub 5510
1870  let x=s1
1880  let y=s2
1885  let c2=int(c1)
1890  let x1=c(c2,1)+(c(c2+1,1)-c(c2,1))*(c1-c2)
1900  let x2=c(c2,2)+(c(c2+1,2)-c(c2,2))*(c1-c2)
1910  for i=1 to n
1920  let s1=s1+x1
1930  let s2=s2+x2
1940  if s1= 8.5 or s2= 8.5 then goto 2170
1950  let a$="   "
1960  let z1=s1
1970  let z2=s2
1980  gosub 5680
1990  if z3 <> 0 then goto 2070
2030  print "warp engines shutdown at sector ";s1;",";s2;" due to bad navigation"
2040  let s1=s1-x1
2050  let s2=s2-x2
2060  goto 2080
2070  next i
2080  let a$="<*>"
2083  let s1=int(s1+hf)
2086  let s2=int(s2+hf)
2090  let z1=s1
2100  let z2=s2
2110  gosub 5510
2120  let e=e-n+5
2130  if w1<1 then goto 2150
2140  let t=t+1
2150  if t>t0+t9 then goto 3970
2160  goto 1260
2170  let x=q1*et+x+x1*n
2180  let y=q2*et+y+x2*n
2190  let q1=int(x/et)
2200  let q2=int(y/et)
2210  let s1=int(x-q1*et+hf)
2220  let s2=int(y-q2*et+hf)
2230  if s1 <> 0 then goto 2260
2240  let q1=q1-1
2250  let s1=et
2260  if s2 <> 0 then goto 2290
2270  let q2=q2-1
2280  let s2=et
2290  let t=t+1
2300  let e=e-n+5
2310  if t>t0+t9 then goto 3970
2320  goto 810

# long range sensor scan
2330  if d(3) >= 0 then goto 2370
2340  print "long range sensors are inoperable"
2360  goto 1270
2370  print "long range sensor scan for quadrant ";q1;",";q2
2380  print
      print "-------------------"
2390  for i=q1-1 to q1+1
2400  gosub 7300
2410  for j=q2-1 to q2+1
2420  if iet or jet then goto 2460
2430  let n(j-q2+2)=g(i,j)
2440  if d(7)<0 then goto 2460
2450  let z(i,j)=g(i,j)
2460  next j
2470  gosub 7400
2480  print "-------------------"
2490  next i
2500  goto 1270

# fire phasers
2530  if k3 <= 0 then goto 3670
2540  if d(4) >= 0 then goto 2570
2550  print "phaser control is disabled"
2560  goto 1270
2570  if d(7) >= 0 then goto 2590
2580  print "computer failure hampers accuracy"
2590  print "phasers locked on target; energy available=";e
2600  print "number of units to fire:"
2610  input i$
      if i$ = "" then goto 1270
      if i$(1) = "q" or i$(1) = "q" then goto 1270
      let x = val i$
2620  if x <= 0 then goto 1270
2630  if e-x<0 then goto 2570
2640  let e=e-x
2650  gosub 3790
2660  if d(7) >= 0 then goto 2680
2670  let x=x*rnd
2680  for i=1 to tr
2690  if k(i,3) <= 0 then goto 2770
2700  gosub 7000
2705  let h=(x/k3/fnd)*(2*rnd)
2710  let k(i,3)=k(i,3)-h
2720  print h;" unit hit on klingon at sector ";k(i,1);",";k(i,2);"   (";k(i,3);" left)"
2740  if k(i,3)>0 then goto 2770
2750  gosub 3690
2760  if k9 <= 0 then goto 4040
2770  next i
2780  if e<0 then goto 4000
2790  goto 1270

# fire photon torpedoes
2800  if d(5) >= 0 then goto 2830
2810  print "photon tubes are not operational"
2820  goto 1270
2830  if p>0 then goto 2860
2840  print "all photon torpedoes expended"
2850  goto 1270
2860  print "torpedo course (1-9):"
2870  input i$
      if i$ = "" then goto 1270
      if i$(1) = "q" or i$(1) = "q" then goto 1270
      let c1 = val i$
2880  if c1=zr then goto 1270
2890  if c1<1 or c1 >= 9 then goto 2860
2895  let c2=int(c1)
2900  let x1=c(c2,1)+(c(c2+1,1)-c(c2,1))*(c1-c2)
2910  let x2=c(c2,2)+(c(c2+1,2)-c(c2,2))*(c1-c2)
2920  let x=s1
2930  let y=s2
2940  let p=p-1
2950  print "torpedo track:"
2960  let x=x+x1
2970  let y=y+x2
2980  if x= 8.5 or y= 8.5 then goto 3420
2990  print "               ";x;",";y
3010  let a$="   "
3020  let z1=x
3030  let z2=y
3040  gosub 5680
3050  if z3=zr then goto 3070
3060  goto 2960
3070  let a$="+++"
3080  let z1=x
3090  let z2=y
3100  gosub 5680
3110  if z3=zr then goto 3220
3120  print "*** klingon destroyed ***"
3130  let k3=k3-1
3140  let k9=k9-1
3150  if k9 <= 0 then goto 4040
3160  for i=1 to tr
3170  if int(x+hf) <> k(i,1) then goto 3190
3180  if int(y+hf)=k(i,2) then goto 3200
3190  next i
3200  let k(i,3)=zr
3210  goto 3360
3220  let a$=" * "
3230  let z1=x
3240  let z2=y
3250  gosub 5680
3260  if z3=zr then goto 3290
3270  print "you can""t destroy stars silly"
3280  goto 3420
3290  let a$=">!<"
3300  let z1=x
3310  let z2=y
3320  gosub 5680
3330  if z3=zr then goto 2960
3340  print "*** star base destroyed ***  .......congratulations"
3350  let b3=b3-1
3360  let a$="   "
3370  let z1=int(x+hf)
3380  let z2=int(y+hf)
3390  gosub 5510
3400  let g(q1,q2)=k3*100+b3*10+s3
3410  goto 3430
3420  print "torpedo missed"
3430  gosub 3790
3440  if e<0 then goto 4000
3450  goto 1270

# shield control
3460  print
3465  if d(7) >= 0 then goto 3490
3470  print "shield control is non-operational"
3480  goto 1270
3490  print "energy available = ";e+s;"; number of units to shields:"
3500  input i$
      if i$="" then goto 1270
      if i$(1) = "q" or i$(1) = "q" then goto 1270
      let x = val i$
3510  if x <= 0 then goto 1270
3520  if e+s-x<0 then goto 3490
3530  let e=e+s-x
3540  let s=x
3550  goto 1270

# damage control report
3560  if d(6) >= 0 then goto 3590
3570  print "damage control report is not available"
3580  goto 1270
3590  print
3600  print "device        state of repair"
3610  for l=1 to et
3620  gosub 5610
3640  next l
3650  goto 1270

3670  print "short range sensors report no klingons in this quadrant"
3680  goto 1270

3690  print "klingon at sector ";k(i,1);",";k(i,2);" destroyed ****"
3710  let k3=k3-1
3720  let k9=k9-1
3730  let a$="   "
3740  let z1=k(i,1)
3750  let z2=k(i,2)
3760  gosub 5510
3770  let g(q1,q2)=k3*100+b3*10+s3
3780  return

# status
3790  if c$ <> "docked" then goto 3820
3800  print "star base shields protect the enterprise"
3810  return
3820  if k3 <= 0 then goto 3910
3830  for i=1 to tr
3840  if k(i,3) <= 0 then goto 3900
3850  gosub 7000
3855  let h=(k(i,3)/fnd)*(2*rnd)
3860  let s=s-h
3870  print h;" unit hit on enterprise at sector ";k(i,1);",";k(i,2);"   (";s;" left)"
3890  if s<0 then goto 4000
3900  next i
3910  return
3920  print "the enterprise is dead in space;  if you survive all impending"
3930  print "attack you will be demoted to the rank of private"
3940  if k3 <= 0 then goto 4020
3950  gosub 3790
3960  goto 3940
3970  print
3980  print "it is stardate ";t
3990  goto 4020
4000  print
4010  print "the enterprise has been destroyed; the federation will be conquered"
4020  print "there are still ";k9;" klingon battle cruisers"
4030  stop
4040  print
4050  print "the last klingon battle cruiser in the galaxy has been destroyed"
4060  print "the federation has been saved $$$"
4070  print
4080  print "your efficiency rating = ";((k7/(t-t0))*1000)
4090  let t1=(peek 65535)/60+(peek 65534)+60*(peek 65533)
4100  print "your actual time of mission = ";int(1000*(t1-t7))/1000;" minutes"
4110  stop

# short range sensor scan
4120  for i=s1-1 to s1+1
4130  for j=s2-1 to s2+1
4140  if iet or jet then goto 4200
4150  let a$=">!<"
4160  let z1=i
4170  let z2=j
4180  gosub 5680
4190  if z3=1 then goto 4240
4200  next j
4210  next i
4220  let d0=zr
4230  goto 4310
4240  let d0=1
4250  let c$="docked"
4260  let e=3000
4270  let p=10
4280  print "shields dropped for docking purposes"
4290  let s=zr
4300  goto 4380
4310  if k3>0 then goto 4350
4320  if e= 0 then goto 4430
4390  print
4400  print "*** short range sensors are out ***"
4410  print
4420  goto 4530
4430  print
      print " ----1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8--"
4440  print " 1 .";q$(1 to 3);".";q$(4 to 6);".";q$(7 to 9);".";q$(10 to 12);".";q$(13 to 15);".";q$(16 to 18);".";q$(19 to 21);".";q$(22 to 24)+"."
4450  print " 2 .";q$(25 to 27);".";q$(28 to 30);".";q$(31 to 33);".";q$(34 to 36);".";q$(37 to 39);".";q$(40 to 42);".";q$(43 to 45);".";q$(46 to 48);".  stardate  ";t
4460  print " 3 .";q$(49 to 51);".";q$(52 to 54);".";q$(55 to 57);".";q$(58 to 60);".";q$(61 to 63);".";q$(64 to 66);".";q$(67 to 69);".";q$(70 to 72);".  condition ";c$
4470  print " 4 .";r$(1 to 3);".";r$(4 to 6);".";r$(7 to 9);".";r$(10 to 12);".";r$(13 to 15);".";r$(16 to 18);".";r$(19 to 21);".";r$(22 to 24);".  quadrant  ";q1;",";q2
4480  print " 5 .";r$(25 to 27);".";r$(28 to 30);".";r$(31 to 33);".";r$(34 to 36);".";r$(37 to 39);".";r$(40 to 42);".";r$(43 to 45);".";r$(46 to 48);".  sector    ";s1;",";s2
4490  print " 6 .";r$(49 to 51);".";r$(52 to 54);".";r$(55 to 57);".";r$(58 to 60);".";r$(61 to 63);".";r$(64 to 66);".";r$(67 to 69);".";r$(70 to 72);".  energy    ";e
4500  print " 7 .";s$(1 to 3);".";s$(4 to 6);".";s$(7 to 9);".";s$(10 to 12);".";s$(13 to 15);".";s$(16 to 18);".";s$(19 to 21);".";s$(22 to 24);".  torpedoes ";p
4510  print " 8 .";s$(25 to 27);".";s$(28 to 30);".";s$(31 to 33);".";s$(34 to 36);".";s$(37 to 39);".";s$(40 to 42);".";s$(43 to 45);".";s$(46 to 48);".  shields   ";s
4520  print " -----------------------------------"
4530  return 

# call on library computer
4630  if d(8) >= 0 then goto 4660
4640  print "computer disabled"
4650  goto 1270
4660  print
      print "computer active and awaiting command:"
4670  input i$
      if i$="" then goto 4690
      if i$ = "q" or i$ = "q" then goto 1270
      let a = val i$
4680  if a=0 then goto 4740
      if a=1 then goto 4830
      if a=2 then goto 4880
4690  print "functions available from computer"
4700  print "   0 = cumulative galactic record"
4710  print "   1 = status report"
4720  print "   2 = photon torpedo data"
      print "   q = return"
4730  goto 4660

# cumulative galactic record
4740  print "computer record of galaxy:"
4760  print "     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8"
4770  print "   ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----"
4780  for i=1 to et
4790  gosub 7600
4800  print "   ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----"
4810  next i
4820  goto 1270

# status report
4830  print
      print "status report:"
4840  print "number of klingons left  = ";k9
4850  print "number of stardates left = ";(t0+t9)-t
4860  print "number of starbases left = ";b9
4870  let t1=(peek 65535)/60+(peek 65534)+60*(peek 65533)
4872  print "your actual time of mission = ";int(1000*(t1-t7))/1000;" minutes"
4875  goto 3560

# photon torpedo data
4880  print
4890  let h8=zr
4900  for i=1 to tr
4910  if k(i,3)<=zr then goto 5260
4920  let c1=s1
4930  let a=s2
4940  let w1=k(i,1)
4950  let x=k(i,2)
4960  goto 5010
4970  print "you are at quadrant ( ";q1;",";q2;" )  sector ( ";s1;",";s2;" )"
4990  print "ship""s x coordinate:"
      input i$
      if i$ = "" then goto 1270
      if i$(1) = "q" or i$(1) = "q" then goto 1270
      let c1 = val i$
      print "ship""s y coordinate:"
      input i$
      if i$ = "" then goto 1270
      if i$(1) = "q" or i$(1) = "q" then goto 1270
      let a = val i$
      print "target""s x coordinate:"
      input i$
      if i$ = "" then goto 1270
      if i$(1) = "q" or i$(1) = "q" then goto 1270
      let w1 = val i$
      print "target""s y coordinate:"
      input i$
      if i$ = "" then goto 1270
      if i$(1) = "q" or i$(1) = "q" then goto 1270
      let x = val i$
5010  let x=x-a
      if x=zr then goto 4990
5020  let a=c1-w1
5030  if xzr then goto 5070
5060  if a=zr then goto 5150
5070  let c1=1
5080  if abs(a) <= abs(x) then goto 5110
5090  print "direction = ";c1+(((abs(a)-abs(x))+abs(a))/abs(a))
5100  goto 5240
5110  print "direction = ";c1+(abs(a)/abs(x))
5120  goto 5240
5130  if a>zr then goto 5170
5140  if x=zr then goto 5190
5150  let c1=5
5160  goto 5080
5170  let c1=3
5180  goto 5200
5190  let c1=7
5200  if abs(a) >= abs(x) then goto 5230
5210  print "direction =";c1+(((abs(x)-abs(a))+abs(x))/abs(x))
5220  goto 5240
5230  print "direction = ";c1+(abs(x)/abs(a))
5240  print "distance = ";sqr(x*x+a*a)
5250  if h8=on then goto 5320
5260  next i
5270  let h8=zr
5280  print "do you want to use the calculator (y/n)?"
5290  input i$
      if i$="" then goto 5280
      let i$=i$(1)
      if i$="q" or i$="q" then goto 1270
      if i$="y" or i$="y" then goto 4970
      if i$ <> "n" and i$ <> "n" then goto 5280
5320  goto 1270

# generate random and empty position
5380  let r1=int(rnd*et+on)
5390  let r2=int(rnd*et+on)
5400  let a$="   "
5410  let z1=r1
5420  let z2=r2
5430  gosub 5680
5440  if z3=zr then goto 5380
5450  return

#  rem ******  insertion in string array for quadrant ******
5510  let s8=z1*24+z2*3-26
5530  if s8>72 then goto 5560
5540  let q$(s8 to s8+2)=a$
5550  goto 5600
5560  if s8>144 then goto 5590
5570  let r$(s8-72 to s8-70)=a$
5580  goto 5600
5590  let s$(s8-144 to s8-142)=a$
5600  return

#  rem ****  prints device name from array *****
5610  let s8=l*12-11
5640  print d$(s8 to s8+11);"  ";d(l)
5650  return

#  rem *******  string comparison in quadrant array **********
5680  let z1=int(z1+hf)
5685  let z2=int(z2+hf)
5690  let s8=z1*24+z2*3-26
5700  let z3=zr
5710  if s8>72 then goto 5750
5720  if q$(s8 to s8+2) <> a$ then goto 5810
5730  let z3=on
5740  goto 5810
5750  if s8>144 then goto 5790
5760  if r$(s8-72 to s8-70) <> a$ then goto 5810
5770  let z3=on
5780  goto 5810
5790  if s$(s8-144 to s8-142) <> a$ then goto 5810
5800  let z3=on
5810  return

# implement fnd function
7000  let arg1=(k(i,1)-s1)
      let arg2=(k(i,2)-s2)
      let fnd=sqr(arg1*arg1+arg2*arg2)
7010  return

# clear damages
7100  for i=1 to et
7110  let d(i)=zr
7120  next i
7130  return

# clear information on klingons
7200  for i=1 to tr
7210  for j=1 to tr
7220  let k(i,j)=zr
7230  next j
7240  next i
7250  return

# clear scan data
7300  for l=1 to tr
7310  let n(l)=zr
7320  next l
7330  return

# print a sensor scan line
7400 let l$ = ":     :     :     :"
7410 let nn=n(1)
7420 gosub 7700
7430 let l$(3 to 5) = n$
7440 let nn=n(2)
7450 gosub 7700
7460 let l$(9 to 11) = n$
7470 let nn=n(3)
7480 gosub 7700
7490 let l$(15 to 17) = n$
7500 print l$
7510 return

# print galactic record line
7600 let l$=chr$ (i+28)
7610 for l=on to et
7620 let nn=z(i,l)
7630 gosub 7700
7640 let l$=l$+"   "+n$
7650 next l
7660 print l$
7670 return

# three-digit str$
7700 let nnn = int(nn/100)
     let n$ = chr$ (nnn+28)
     let nn = nn-nnn*100
     let nnn = int(nn/10)
     let n$ = n$+chr$ (nnn+28)
     let nn = nn-nnn*10
     let n$ = n$+chr$ (nn+28)