The emulator described here - "ZCE" - is a "command-line" edition, which means a "K>" prompt is sent to stdout, and input is expected from stdin. Graphics may be sent to stdout as Sixel graphics. These can be viewed using newer XTerms and classical DECterms. The Sixel graphics appear between command line prompts, so not in a separate window. Sixel graphics files may be viewed by just using "cat" under Unix, and "TYPE" under VMS. The image below is displayed using JavaScript [if enabled in the browser].
This famous program was relocated to address 0x2000 and made accessible from BASIC. The board may then be displayed in different ways [although that should perhaps not be done...]. Here the AI routine, change of player, and the [Sixel] display of the board were called in a loop.
Download the board as a Sixel graphics file.
This famous program was ported to ZX81 BASIC; currently it has a line count of about 700, and it needs more than 16K RAM. Here is an example run in command-line mode:
Here is a session with a very basic HTTP client:
Click here for the listing of a server-side script. A$ may be assigned by appending the argument to the url such as here [seconds of the real-time clock as an example]. And click here for the listing of a simple message board :)
k> r0 # zero all registers k> z # show registers *pc: 0000 [pc]: d3 sp: 0000 [sp]: fdd3 a: 00 f: 00 bc: 0000 de: 0000 hl: 0000 ix: 0000 iy: 0000 k> b0x416 # set breakpoint in initialization k> j0 # run from start pc: 0416: cd0702: call 0207 sp: fffd [sp]: 3e00 a: 1e f: 40 z bc: 00fe de: 0000 hl: 4099 ix: 0000 iy: 4000 k> s # start single-stepping pc: 0207: 213b40: ld hl,403b sp: fffb [sp]: 0419 a: 1e f: 40 z bc: 00fe de: 0000 hl: 4099 ix: 0000 iy: 4000 k> s pc: 020a: 7e: ld a,(hl) sp: fffb [sp]: 0419 a: 1e f: 40 z bc: 00fe de: 0000 hl: 403b ix: 0000 iy: 4000 k> s pc: 020b: 17: rla sp: fffb [sp]: 0419 a: 40 f: 40 z bc: 00fe de: 0000 hl: 403b ix: 0000 iy: 4000
Extended memory: some Z80 instructions such as call and ret were modified to allow switching to another bank, based on a bank indicator array. Emulator Z80 code, previously located in the first 64K has now been moved to above 64K. Certain POKEs at strategic positions allow PEEK, POKE and USR in another bank from within BASIC. For PEEK, this works because the LD A,(BC) was modified to look at the specified bank. Developing code is a bit difficult, because the indicator array has to be set manually.
See here, here, and here for examples of using the Mini-XML library for loading and saving programs: click right mouse to view the xml source. The first example is interpreted by reading it into the emulator; the second is a hexadecimal-only memory representation; the third shows the memory's contents after the example is run. The second form is useful if the memory is mainly occupied by machine code.
This is one 4x4 part of a 16x16 nibble hexadoku:
8 | 0 | 9 | 1 |
a | 2 | b | 3 |
4 | c | 5 | d |
6 | e | 7 | f |
Download version 2.2 with extensions to the z81/xz81 emulator with hires and Sixel graphics, or version 2.3 with these extensions, and special options for running ASZMIC.
Download extensions to the sz81 emulator for hires graphics, Chroma, ASZMIC, and ZeddyNet support.
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Inv.nums: áâãäåæçèéà
Specials: 12345678901234567
Specials: "$:?()><=+-*/;,.£
Inv.spcs: ÒÔêïØÙîìíÛÝÚßëÜÞ¤
Graphics: ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º
Graphics: À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê
Extra: !#%&'@[\]^_`{|}~
Extra: 1234567890123456
Download the image as a Sixel graphics file.